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CGIAR Science Week

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Zenebech Abdu feeding her child a balanced diet (Photo Credit: ILRI\Apollo Habtamu).

Growing Africa’s Future | 4P Models for Food Systems Transformation

Showing 'ACGG eggs' (photo credit: Shumiye Belay).

Food Systems and Nutrition

Lilian Satia, a young dairy entrepreneur in Nakuru, Kenya has started a milk bar with other youth (photo credit: ILRI/Georgina Smith).

African Youth Position on Food Systems, Policy, and Climate

A Samburu mother enters nutrition data into an app (photo caption: ILRI/Kabir Dhanji).

The Livestock Investment Opportunity in Sub Saharan Africa

A young Borana woman with her goats (photo credit: ILRI\Zerihun Sewunet).

Redefining women’s participation in African agrifood systems for accelerated transformation

Project 2 partners from Makerere University conducting sweet potato variety selection at Hoima District, Uganda (photo credit: ILRI/Bio-Innovate).

Launch of CIP Strategic Plan for Africa

African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) project (photo credit: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu) 2017.

ILRI@50 Alumni and Partners Reception

Discussing Napier grass in Ubiri village, Lushoto (Photo: ILRI\Niels Teufel).

Working lunch with AGRA and CGIAR experts