This page brings together ILRI and partner resources on Mali. It shows information on projects, news items, research outputs, video materials and presentations as well as ILRI people working in the country.
Gender considerations in innovation platforms in the livestock sector in Mali
Gning, S.B.
Dione, Michel M.
Sene, M.T.D.
Sow, Ahmadou
Fall, Abdou
Scaling behavioural change communication packages through livestock champions in the small ruminant value chain in Mali
Sow, Ahmadou
Dione, Michel M.
Rekik, Mourad
Hoek, Rein van der
Tunde, Amole
Marshall, Karen
Scaling livestock productivity packages through multi-stakeholder platforms
Sow, Ahmadou
Dione, Michel M.
Scaling gender-sensitive livestock innovation packages in the small ruminant value chains in Mali for sustainable animal productivity and livelihoods (2022-2024)
Dione, Michel M.
Rekik, Mourad
Hoek, Rein van der
Marshall, Karen
Sow, Ahmadou
Zannou, Olivier
Amole, Tunde A.
Idoudi, Zied
Rudiger, Udo
Fall, Abdou
Coulibaly, Doubangolo
Dao, Madou
Sakho, B.
Ba, A.
Dembélé, B.
Kantao, O.
Maiga, B.M.
Kassie, Girma T.
Rischkowsky, Barbara A.
Peste des petits ruminants thermotolerant vaccine production and deployment in the small ruminant value chain in Mali
Dione, Michel M.
Sidibé, C.A.K.
Kantao, O.
Sow, Ahmadou
Space–time analysis of peste des petits ruminants in Mali and identification of risk factors