Skip to main content Interlinked work packages: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
- International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
- International Rice Research Institute
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
- International Water Management Institute
- International Livestock Research Institute
- Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
The impacts of COVID-19 on farmers in Uganda during 2020: Central, Eastern, and Western Regions
- Hammond, James
- Lukuyu, Ben A.
- Milner, Daniel
- Ouma, Emily A.
- Elimu, Emmanuel
- Wanyama, Ibrahim
- Lee, Ja-Eun
- Siegal, Kim
- Wijk, Mark T. van
- Graham, Michael W.
- Lutakome, Pius
- Mugumya, Roland
- Leitner, Sonja
Clapping with Two Hands: Transforming Gender Relations and Zoonotic Disease Risks through Community Conversations in Rural Ethiopia
- Mulema, Annet A.
- Kinati, Wole
- Lemma, Mamusha
- Mekonnen, Mesfin
- Alemu, Biruk G.
- Elias, Belay
- Demeke, Yifru
- Desta, Hiwot
- Wieland, Barbara
Holding digital events in a pandemic: Emerging principles and lessons
- Ballantyne, Peter G.
- Ferrari, Mireille
- Dror, Iddo
- Victor, Michael
Growing brachiaria grass
- Lukuyu, Ben A.
- Mwendia, Solomon W.
Foodborne disease in Kenya: The case for greater public investment
- Hoffmann, Vivian
- Baral, S.
Gender in the Livestock CRP
Scaling up and capacity development in the Livestock CRP
Partnerships in the Livestock CRP