
Stories from the field

We work to improve food security and reduce poverty through research for better and more sustainable use of livestock

Participants at the step down training in Ghana


Livestock officers deliver poultry decision-support tool to Ghana districts

Presentation of seeds


ILRI supports Sierra Leone's livestock sector with high-yield forage seeds, boosting food security

Stakeholder Workshop on WES (Photo Credit: Jianying Feng/UNEP)


Strengthening wastewater management to improve the environment and public health in Africa

Using the pig weigh band

Empowering women in livestock: addressing gender barriers in Uganda’s pig sector

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We work to improve food security and reduce poverty through research for better and more sustainable use of livestock

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Fifty years of innovation: Celebrating ILRI Ethiopia

Fifty years of innovation: Celebrating ILRI Ethiopia

Optimizing the One Health approach in agriculture: Needs interdisciplinary and multilateral resources

Optimizing the One Health approach for agriculture: The need for intersectoral collaborations and multilateral resources

What happens at Kapiti Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy?

What happens at Kapiti Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy?

Namukolo Covic

Ethiopia's livestock: An interview with Namukolo Covic

Bushmeat infographic

The 'hidden meat' of the world

Peter Singer, Rebecca Doyle and Michel Dione

Animal welfare in lower- to middle-income countries, with Peter Singer

Ghana: Why the goats won't die on her watch

Ghana: Why the goats won't die on her watch

Why women are essential in livestock development—and why livestock are essential in women’s lives

Hank Fitzhugh receives Texas A&M Outstanding Alumni Award

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Dairy Sector Sees Rapid Growth nearly Doubling Milk Production: Ministry of Agriculture

Ethiopia’s dairy industry expands, Ministry of Agriculture

ILRI supports enhanced livestock productivity, food systems in Ethiopia

New ILRI study warns of extreme rainfall & flood risk in Kenya as long rains start

Why coming rains will be so extreme

Researchers advocate for climate-resilient livestock breeding to meet growing population and changing climate needs

Mapping the risk of deadly zoonotic disease

Kogi L-PRES trains officers on alternative livestock feed With HQCP

Modern breeding tech poised to transform Africa's livestock sector, study reveals