One Health Centre in Africa

One Health Centre in Africa

About the One Health Centre in Africa (OHRECA)

The goal of the One Health Research, Education and Outreach Centre in Africa (OHRECA) is to enhance human, animal and the environment health by supporting applied research on One Health, developing capacity in One Health, supporting One Health network initiatives and developing pathways from evidence to policy and practice.

The centre’s research and development activities are implemented under four themes, each having its own defined technical (scientific), capacity and policy outputs and outcomes. The four themes are: preventing emerging infectious diseases; controlling neglected zoonoses; ensuring safe food; and reducing antimicrobial resistance.

To achieve these outcomes, the Centre will build on established research and development activities which ILRI has been implementing with multiple partners in the region for over 40 years. These initiatives have established strong One Health networks, research partnerships and knowledge products that can be transformed into policy guidelines. The centre will also link local and international researchers to catalyse exchange of knowledge with a hope of extending our horizons on One Health research and development.

An advisory committee of 10 representatives from institutions working on One Health will provide the centre with advice and guidance, with special attention to the specific needs of the African context.


Advisory committee

Amare Ayalew

Amare Ayalew

Manager of the Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA)

Bassirou Bonfoh

Bassirou Bonfoh

Director Afrique One-ASPIRE at Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS)

Caradee Wright

Caradee Wright

Senior Specialist Scientist: Environment and Health Research Unit South African Medical Research Council

Dieter Schillinger

Dieter Schillinger

The BecA-ILRI Hub Advisory Panel

Doreen Lynn Robinson

Doreen Lynn Robinson

Chief for Wildlife at UN Environment Programme

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka

Founder and CEO Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH)

Jacqueline McGlade, FLS, FRSA

Jacqueline McGlade, FLS, FRSA

Sustainable Development and Digital Analytics Institute for Public Policy and Governance

Joseph Ndung’u

Joseph Ndung’u

Executive Director of the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) Dx Kenya

Mohammed Shamsuddin

Mohammed Shamsuddin

Senior Animal Production and Health Officer in the FAO Regional Office for Africa.


Bernard Bett

Bernard Bett

Senior scientist, Animal and human health

Arshnee Moodley

Arshnee Moodley

Team leader, Antimicrobial resistance

Delia Grace

Delia Grace

Professor Food Safety Systems, NRI; joint appointed scientist, ILRI

Lian Thomas

Lian Thomas

Jointly Appointed Scientist ILRI & University of Edinburgh

Ekta Patel

Ekta Patel

Scientist & One Health Communications Coordinator

Geoffrey Luis Njenga

Geoffrey Luis Njenga

Communications Specialist

Hung Nguyen-Viet

Hung Nguyen-Viet

Program Leader (a.i.), Health

Florence Mutua

Florence Mutua

Senior Scientist -Epidemiology

Nicholas Ngwili

Nicholas Ngwili

Post-Doctoral fellow - Neglected Zoonotic diseases

One Health Directory for Sub-Saharan Africa

For the One Health Research, Education and Outreach Centre in Africa, ILRI commissioned a review to map existing One Health initiatives in Sub-Saharan African countries spatio-temporally while creating a link to a database on One Health in Africa and stimulating critical One Health thinking in Africa.

Browse the directory

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