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Climate adaptation and mitigation

Improving small-scale producers’
resilience and reducing greenhouse
gas emissions from food systems.

Climate adaptation and mitigation

ILRI research contributes to the CGIAR impact area on Climate Adaptation and Mitigation. 

Climate change poses major risks for food production, livelihoods and nutrition through high temperatures, erratic rainfall, drought, flooding, and sea level rise. On the flip side, agriculture and food systems produce almost a third of global greenhouse gas emissions—yet they could be a global carbon sink. Supporting vulnerable small-scale producers to adapt to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood value chains are essential for sustaining food systems and ensuring food and nutrition security.


Climate adaptation and mitigation research initiatives


Harnessing Gender and Social Equality for Resilience in Agrifood Systems


Livestock, Climate and System Resilience


Mitigate+: Research for Low-Emission Food Systems

Farmer on the field

Ukama Ustawi: Diversification for Resilient Agribusiness Ecosystems in East and Southern Africa

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CGIAR Science Week

CGIAR Science Week

Landscape near Semera, the regional capital of Afar (photo credit: ILRI/ Sonja Leitner).

Study reveals Africa will reach 1.5°C climate change threshold by 2040 even under low emission scenarios

More than 20 solutions that are being developed in Ethiopia by CGIAR and its partners were shared

Using a share fair approach to unravel what needs to change to drive agricultural transformation in Ethiopia

A Somali pastoralist woman carries her child on her back while holding a young goat in her arms, embodying the deep care and connection between family and livestock—essential bonds at the heart of pastoral life (photo credit: University of Glasgow/ILRI / Tsion Afework).

Opinion and analysis

What are livestock to pastoralists? An anthropological reflection

A dairy farm in the Kenyan highlands (ILRI/Birgit Habermann)


CIRNA project inception meetings held in Uganda and Kenya

Feed trough, Lemo Woreda (photo credit: ILRI/Brook Tesfaye).


Mixed Farming System Initiative’s feed and forage innovations enhancing resilience of smallholder farms in rural Ethiopia

A shepherd returning with his flock after a day’s grazing in the Dodji sylvo-pastoral reserve in Ferlo. Photo by Baba Ba/ILRI.


New SPARC research on ‘Peace with Nature’ supports the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Related Publications

Perceived impacts of climate change in pastoralist regions of Ethiopia: A qualitative study applying the concept of One Health

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  • Mor, Siobhan M.
  • Baylis, M.
  • Kaba, M.

A positive deviance approach to understand gender relations and practices that support transformative adaptation: Insights from Kenya dairy households

  • Bullock, Renee
  • DuttaGupta, Tanaya
  • Miriti, Philip

A framework for managing infectious diseases in rural areas in low- and middle-income countries in the face of climate change-East Africa as a case study

  • Worsley-Tonks, Katherine E.L.
  • Angwenyi, S.
  • Carlson, C.
  • Cissé, G.
  • Deem, S.L.
  • Ferguson, A.W.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Kimaro, E.G.
  • Kimiti, D.W.
  • Martins, D.J.
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Mottet, A.
  • Murray, S.
  • Muturi, M.
  • Potter, T.M.
  • Prasad, S.
  • Wild, H.
  • Hassell, J.M.

“Without a man’s decision, nothing works”: Building resilience to Rift Valley fever in pastoralist communities in Isiolo Kenya

  • Mutambo, Irene N.
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Bukachi, S.A.

A review of approaches to the integration of humanitarian and development aid: the case of drought management in the Horn of Africa

  • Mohamed, Tahira Shariff
  • Crane, Todd A.
  • Derbyshire, Samuel F.
  • Roba, Guyo Malicha

Early warning systems save lives but more funding is critical

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