Discussing Napier grass in Ubiri village, Lushoto (Photo: ILRI\Niels Teufel).

Working lunch with AGRA and CGIAR experts


AGRA and CGIAR are both dedicated to transforming agriculture in Africa to achieve sustainable food security, reduce poverty, and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. As both organizations share common goals, this working lunch aims to identify the themes, geographies and modalities of working together that will ultimately result in the signing of a new MoU and inform the subsequent action plan.


  • Identify Strategic Areas of Collaboration: Discuss and agree on the priority areas where AGRA and CGIAR can work together to create maximum impact, identifying touchpoints between AGRA’s strategy and CGIAR’s new Megaprogrammes thematic areas.
  • Define the Pillars of Collaboration: Establish the foundational pillars that will guide the partnership between AGRA and CGIAR. These pillars may include joint research and development initiatives, knowledge sharing, policy influence, capacity building, and scaling of innovations.
  • Align Objectives and Goals: Ensure that the collaboration aligns with the strategic objectives of both AGRA and CGIAR. This alignment will facilitate a coherent and mutually beneficial partnership that addresses the critical challenges faced by African agriculture.

Invite only.