Impact Areas
Many of the most pressing global challenges today involve livestock. More than half a billion people in developing countries depend in whole or in part on farm animals for their livelihood.
Some 821 million people are undernourished, many of them because they lack the proteins and micronutrients most readily available in animal-sourced food. The prospects of zoonotic pandemics or of human-triggered climate change are real and growing.
The good news is that the livestock sector presents opportunities to address these challenges in ways that are safe, environmentally sustainable and broadly affordable.
Our research contributes to
- increased food production and productivity, providing safe, nutritious and affordable food to the world’s poorest people;
- employment opportunities for millions of women and young people in the farming and other related sectors; and
- efficient use of scarce natural resources and develop livestock practices which foster climate change mitigation and adaption.
Explore the themes below about how livestock can feed and sustain today’s population and tomorrow’s in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically inclusive.