ILRI and partners develop benchmarks for undergraduate food safety curriculum for East Africa
Towards enhancing food safety in East Africa, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) have been working with food safety experts from universities in the East African Community to develop benchmarks for a Bachelor of Science program in food safety.
As part of this endeavour, a workshop to finalize the curriculum benchmark process was held on 22–24 March 2022 in Kampala, Uganda.
The meeting brought together 21 food safety experts to develop the expected learning outcomes of the curriculum and align the learning outcomes with the main and supportive courses derived from a stakeholder engagement exercise.
The outputs of the group and plenary discussions will be used to draft a benchmark report which will be validated and finalized according to IUCEA processes.
The workshop was funded by CGIAR donors, FAO (Lloyd’s Register Foundation), the CGIAR One Health Initiative, the ILRI-led Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) project and IUCEA.
The workshop report may be accessed via the link below.
Kang’ethe, E.K., Mutua, F. and Hung Nguyen-Viet. 2022. Benchmarks for food safety curriculum in the East African Community. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Photo credit: Market place in Kenya (World Bank/Sambrian Mbaabu)