Africa Swine Fever Virus Genome Sequencing to underpin Control
Climate-smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa
Creation of a public resource for housing and analyzing genomic data from Theileria parva and other Apicomplexan species to facilitate vaccine and diagnostic development
Bovine Tuberculosis in the Developing world
Applied genomics of tick vectors in relation to development of anti-tick vaccines and building research capacity in the eastern and central Africa
Functional gene discovery for disease resistance in Chicken
A system to cost effectively create a continuous supply of F1 heifer via sexed embryos
Aflatoxin survey of Kenyan farmer maize and development of novel diagnostics
New diagnostic tools to understand the epidemiology of sheep theileriosis in northern Sudan
Genetic characterization of field strains and laboratory stocks of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, the main vector of the cattle disease East Coast Fever
A comparison between local cattle breeds in Kenya in the rate and extent of adhesion of rumen bacteria to maize stover
Sustainable collaborative research between SLU, Uppsala and ILRI in the field of genomics, bioinformatics and immunoinformatics