Sustainable collaborative research between SLU, Uppsala and ILRI in the field of genomics, bioinformatics and immunoinformatics
The need for enhanced bioinformatics capacity as a core competency in biosciences is rapidly increasing as large volumes of data on genomes become available, and with this the demand to mine such data in support of research. Stakeholders of the Bioscinces eastern and central Africa ( BecA) have identified capacity building in this area as among the highest priorities to support biosciences application in agriculture. Bioinformatics is an integral part of much of research in modern biology, medicine, veterinary and agricultural sciences. Basic requisities for bioinformatics applications are databases, analysis tools and expert knowledge.The most well known databases are those containing information on the genomes of different species, including the bovine, horse and chicken and several crop genomes such as rice. A key need in this new and rapidly developing field is adequate number of skilled human people. In order to provide access to current knowledge and information technology tools to support bioinformatics, genomics and immunoinformatics, this project will further develop collaboraiton with other CGIAR institutes, regional Institutes and Universities and International entities such as SLU and Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics .