Tezira Lore has over 15 years of experience in agricultural information and communication management. She develops and implements communication and knowledge management strategies, contributing towards the findability, accessibility, uptake, and use of ILRI's research outputs.
Her professional interests include media coverage of science and the use of social media for research communication. She has BSc and MSc degrees in Food Science and Technology and an MSc in Agricultural Information and Communication Management from the University of Nairobi, and a Certificate in Science Communication from Stellenbosch University.
My Projects
My Blog Posts

Frontiers special edition spotlights CGIAR research on food safety in low- and middle-income countries

World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 2023: Preventing antimicrobial resistance together through collaborative research

ILRI scientists and research collaborators use a One Health approach to study zoonotic disease risks in wildlife farming in Vietnam

ILRI marks World Food Safety Day 2023 with the launch of a report on improving food safety in informal markets

New science
New study evaluates antimicrobial use by smallholder poultry farmers in Kajiado and Machakos counties in Kenya

New science
Study reveals need for more research on burden of pork-borne hazards in eastern and southern Africa

Regional task force explores ways to improve the uptake of East Coast fever vaccines in eastern and southern Africa

New science
Study examines the impact of COVID-19 on informal milk markets and household food security in Nairobi

New science
Experts call for One Health approach to study bacterial hazards and antimicrobial risks in marketed food in Bangladesh

Hot topic
Study on milk purchase and consumption in low-income households in Kenya highlights the importance of the informal dairy sector

New study investigates drivers and practices of antibiotic use in poultry farming in Kiambu County, Kenya

Celebrating World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022 with highlights of ILRI research on antimicrobial resistance

New project seeks to improve farm-level antimicrobial use in Senegal through a One Health approach

New study reviews strategies to reduce acaricide resistance in ticks in smallholder livestock systems in Africa

New study provides the first detailed report on the occurrence of the tick-borne parasite Babesia bovis in cattle in Kenya

New research offers insights on bridging the gap between policy and reality in Kenya’s informal milk sector

Experts call for investment in zoonotic disease surveillance in remote rural areas to improve global health security

Experts discuss the impact of climate change on tick-borne pathogens in western, central and eastern Africa

Using participatory impact pathway methodology to evaluate public–private partnerships in the poultry sector in Ethiopia

Experts call for equitable food system transformation to tackle global health challenges of the 21st century

Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 side event discusses the role of informal markets within future food systems

Lancet Countdown 2021 report calls for urgent global action to tackle the health impacts of climate change

Review of zoonoses research in the Horn of Africa highlights need for One Health approach and stronger regional collaboration

ILRI and partners call for greater investment in global animal health in the fight against pandemics

Mapping the risk of livestock anthrax in Kenya helps identify disease hotspots to improve prevention and control

Experts call for policies and better data to mitigate antimicrobial resistance and zoonoses in intensive livestock production

New study investigates the governance structure of the Nairobi pork value chain and its impact on food safety

Experts call for global One Health platform to consolidate evidence on actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance

Lancet Countdown 2020 report calls for governments to align global COVID-19 recovery with response to climate change

One Health in action: Research by ILRI and partners improves the health of people, animals and the environment

Community-based training on milk hygiene improves knowledge, attitudes and practices of women pastoralists in Borana, Ethiopia

Celebrating Open Access Week 2020 with a focus on ILRI’s open access research on animal and human health

Researchers investigate the governance structure of the Nairobi dairy value chain and its influence on food safety

New study explores the benefits of a One Health approach to investigating antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam

Celebrating World Antibiotic Resistance Week 2019 with highlights of ILRI research on antimicrobial resistance

New study identifies factors affecting spread of brucellosis in humans and livestock in northeastern Kenya

Celebrating Open Access Week 2019 with a focus on ILRI’s open access research on animal and human health

New review article tackles the question: Can aflatoxin binders in foods be promoted safely and ethically?

New study finds that urban wildlife may be a significant vector for antimicrobial resistant bacteria

New case study presents nine-year follow-up of pilot project to improve food safety in Bodija market, Nigeria

Meat, milk, eggs can make a big difference in the first 1,000 days of life in low-income countries—New report

While some animal-transmitted diseases of the poor are declining, other, mostly foodborne, diseases are on the rise
#OneHealthDay: New research on Uganda’s urban pig value chain focuses on One Health from social science perspective
Behaviour change and biosciences necessary to tackle infectious zoonotic diseases – Uppsala Health Summit

Could animals help solve the world’s ‘calorie’ as well as ‘hidden’ hunger?—ILRI’s Delia Grace on World Food Day
Animal health needs partnerships for vaccine delivery: Lessons from global rinderpest eradication campaign

Join our webinar! Designing projects for improving nutrition through animal source foods—Tomorrow, 4 May
Training on field postmortem examination and sample collection to control small ruminant respiratory and reproductive diseases in Ethiopia

A deep dive inside Vietnam’s pork foodshed to determine food safety issues and their practical resolutions

The omnivore’s dilemma: ‘High-steaks’ livestock decisions at next week’s Committee on World Food Security (#CFS43)
Study identifies options to improve milk quality in smallholder dairy value chains in Western Zambia

Apocalyptic numbers: Antibiotic resistance as the classic ‘One Health’ (and classic ‘One World’) planetary issue

High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition launches sustainable livestock development report
Researchers develop Rift Valley fever risk map for Kenya to aid prevention and control of the disease
The Lancet marks World Antibiotic Awareness Week with series on access and effectiveness of antimicrobials
Study calls for One Health approach in continued research on potential role of pigs in Ebola transmission in Uganda
Is the empowerment of women livestock keepers the key to improved nutrition? A new study seeks to find out

New study recommends continued research on the possible role pigs could play in transmitting Ebola in Uganda
New ILRI study finds high levels of aflatoxin in milk and dairy feeds in Greater Addis Ababa milk shed

Tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century–The Lancet
New ILRI report reviews the knowns and unknowns of antimicrobial resistance in animal agriculture in developing countries
Study explores effect of land use and biodiversity changes on risk of zoonoses in Tana River County, Kenya
ILRI contributes chapters in new book on One Health approach to sanitation and institutional research
Safe Food, Fair Food work on Uganda pig value chains receives best poster award at conference in Côte d’Ivoire
My Publications

Stirring up the informal dairy sector in Kenya: solutions that change, sustain and scale
- Lore, Tezira A.

Pork and poultry safety in traditional markets in Cambodia: Understanding complexities and scaling up good interventions
- Hung Nguyen-Viet
- Grace, Delia
- Unger, Fred
- Lindahl, Johanna F.
- Tum, S.
- Sinh Dang-Xuan
- Chea, Rortana
- Chhay, T.
- Srey, T.
- Young, M.
- Duong, C.
- Brown, M.
- Heng, T.
- Alonso, Silvia
- Roesel, Kristina
- Lam, S.
- Lore, Tezira A.
- Chi Nguyen