CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health publishes 2017 annual report
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) has published its 2017 annual report which highlights the program’s accomplishments and activities during the first year of its second phase.
Detailed in the report are research, events and results from across A4NH’s five research flagships and four focus countries, including:
- in-depth analyses of food systems in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Vietnam, with a recently released report on findings in Ethiopia;
- details on the release of 29 new biofortified crop varieties, extending reach to 3.6 million farming households;
- the first licence for Aflasafe to be granted to a private company in Africa, for production, sale, and distribution in the Gambia and Senegal to protect crops from aflatoxin;
- a special issue of the journal Global Food Security dedicated to stories of change, an innovative initiative building a resource base of experiential knowledge that explores drivers of change in improving nutrition;
- research into how rice intensification in Africa can be achieved without increasing the risk of malaria; and
- efforts on incorporating equity into A4NH’s research agenda.
Download the annual report or read an interactive online version.