Celebrating One Health Day 2019 with a focus on ILRI’s One Health research

One Health Day is a global campaign marked annually on 3 November to bring attention to the need for a One Health approach to address the shared health threats at the human–animal–environment interface.
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) carries out One Health research through its Animal and Human Health program which seeks to effectively manage or eliminate livestock, zoonotic and food-borne diseases through the generation and use of knowledge, technologies and products.
We commemorate this year’s One Health Day by featuring a selection of the program’s recent research outputs on this important topic.
- Falzon, L.C., Alumasa, L., Amanya, F., Kang’ethe, E., Kariuki, S., Momanyi, K., Muinde, P., Murungi, M.K., Njoroge, S.M., Ogendo, A., Ogola, J., Rushton, J., Woolhouse, M.E.J. and Fèvre, E.M. 2019. One Health in action: Operational aspects of an integrated surveillance system for zoonoses in western Kenya. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6: 252.
- Grace, D., Bett, B., Atherstone, C., Unger, F., Hung Nguyen-Viet and Sinh Dang-Xuan. 2019. International perspectives on One Health. Presentation at the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 5–10 May 2019.
- Hu Suk Lee. 2019. Strengthening capacities for improving human and animal health in Southeast Asia using a One Health approach. Presentation at the third Global Official Development Assistance Forum for Sustainable Agricultural Development, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 13–15 May 2019.
- Hung Nguyen-Viet. 2019. Food safety and antimicrobial resistance research: A One Health perspective. Presentation at the Emerging Pathogen Institute seminar series, Gainesville, Florida, 26 July 2019.
- Lindahl, J.F., Vrentas, C.E., Deka, R.P., Hazarika, R.A., Rahman, H., Bambal, R.G., Bedi, J.S., Bhattacharya, C., Chaudhuri, P., Fairoze, N.M., Gandhi, R.S., Gill, J.P.S., Gupta, N.K., Kumar, M., Londhe, S., Rahi, M., Sharma, P.K., Shome, R., Singh, R., Srinivas, K. and Swain, B.B. 2019. Brucellosis in India: results of a collaborative workshop to define One Health priorities. Tropical Animal Health and Production.
For more information, contact Delia Randolph (d.randolph@cgiar.org) or Vish Nene (v.nene@cgiar.org), co-leaders of ILRI’s Animal and Human Health program.