2023Policies and Design Processes to Enable TransformationPereira, LauraVrettos, ChrisCramer, Laura K.Drimie, ScottMuiderman, KarlijnSchapendonk, FransStringer, Lindsay C.Veeger, MariekeVervoort, Joost M.Wamukoya, George
2023Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in Sub-Saharan AfricaOloo, Richard DoosoEkine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gebreyohanes, GebregziabherMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyChagunda, Mizeck G.G.
2024Biomass yield of tree lucerne at different cutting frequencies and heightMekonnen, KinduBezabih, MelkamuAmene, TesfayeAlene, TemesgenGebreyes, MillionSeifu , HaimanotWhitbread, Anthony M.
2024Gender relations and women's empowerment in small-scale irrigated forage production in the Amhara and SNNP Regions of EthiopiaOmondi, Immaculate A.Njuguna-Mungai, EstherBezabih, MelkamuTeufel, NilsGaliè, AlessandraNjiru, NellyKariuki, EuniceMulema, Annet AbenakyoBaltenweck, IsabelleJones, Christopher S.
2024A Report on Designing and Execution of Communication Plan for Livestock Feed and Forage InnovationsGebreyes, MillionMekonnen, KinduBezabih, MelkamuAdie, AberraSeifu, HaimanotAbiy, RahelMesfin, HailemariamTunde, AmoleWhitbread, Anthony M.
2024Training of Trainers on Feeds and Forages Production, Management and UtilizationAdie, AberraTulu, SolomonMamuye, MelkamuBezabih, MelkamuGebreyes, MillionMekonnen, Kindu
2024The effect of different harvesting frequencies on the performance of food-feed oat varieties under rainfed conditionsMekonnen, KinduBezabih, MelkamuAdie, AberraAlene, TemesgenTessema, FikaduGebreyes, MillionSeifu, HaimanotWhitbread, Anthony M.
2024Forage development and input supply service delivery through cooperatives: lessons from ILSSI irrigated fodder projectBezabih, Melkamu
2024Cultivated forages boost production and income for dairy farmers in Bishoftu District, EthiopiaBezabih, MelkamuAdie, Aberra
2024Improved forage promotion and capacity development in collaboration with universities in EthiopiaAdie, AberraTeshome, AbelHabte, ErmiasMuktar, Meki S.Negawo, Alemayehu T.Bezabih, Melkamu