Improved forage promotion and capacity development in collaboration with universities in Ethiopia
As feed availability remains one of the major constraints to sustaining improved livestock productivity and building the resilience of livestock keepers, alternative high-yielding forages are essential. Such technologies not only help improve feed supply in the face of climatic shocks but also enable farmers to enhance the quality of the diet of their livestock. Universities in Ethiopia have the necessary facilities, specifically land and trained personnel, to serve as training hubs for improved forage cultivation and as sources of planting materials for farmers who wish to grow these forages. The CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity (SAPLING) aims to create synergy through strong collaborations with Ethiopian universities, which are located close to the livestock farming communities.
Adie, A., Teshome, A., Habte, E., Muktar, M.S., Negawo, A.T. and Bezabih, M. 2024. Improved forage promotion and capacity development in collaboration with universities in Ethiopia. Report. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.