Social media toolkit : milk day

Link to the landing page


Twitter handles to target




For Tanzania:


@DairyForum ,@LandOLakesV37


@SNVworld, @Solidaridadnetw



Hashtags to include




Possible website to link to: (ILRI microsite on Why Livestock Matter)


  1. Good #nutrition is vital in an infant’s first 1000 days. #Milk can help to provide essential protein and nutrients. #EnjoyDairy on @WorldMilkDay 1 June

  2. #Milk is one of the few natural sources of vitamin B12, which is essential for healthy brain development and lifelong benefits. #EnjoyDairy on 1 June #WorldMilkDay

  3. ILRI helps cattle farmers identify better breeds for #moremilk, more income, and fewer problems. #EnjoyDairy on @WorldMilkDay 1 June

  4. ILRI’s #MoreMilk project supports safer milk, more sales, and healthier children, read more at and #EnjoyDairy on 1 June #WorldMilkDay 2020

  5. Producing milk also produces millions of jobs worldwide for men and women. There are about 150 million small-scale #dairyfarming households worldwide. #EnjoyDairy on 1 June @WorldMilkDay 2020

  6. Informal #dairy markets provide livelihoods and offer affordable, nutritious #milk to many families in developing countries. Investing in them matters #EnjoyDairy on 1 June #WorldMilkDay 2020


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  1. Good nutrition is vital for healthy development in an infant’s first 1000 days, setting up lifelong benefits. Milk can also provide essential protein and nutrients for pregnant or lactating mothers, who have higher nutritional requirements. These include calcium, magnesium, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and pantothenic acid. Enjoy dairy on 1 June, World Milk Day 2020


  2. Most milk in Africa and Asia is produced by smallholder farmers. Dairy farming generates about 50 full-time wage-labour opportunities per 1,000 liters of milk produced on a daily basis in Kenya. The Smallholder Dairy Project, jointly implemented by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and ILRI led to more milk, better milk, and more income – benefits totalling an extra USD 33 million a year. Read more at Enjoy dairy on 1 June, World Milk Day 2020


  3. Dairy is the fastest growing and most dynamic agricultural sub-sector in East Africa. ILRI works with farmers through the African Dairy Genetic Gains (ADGG) program to find cattle breeds that produce more milk and have better health. An average purebred cow in Tanzania produces 400 liters of milk per lactation, while a crossbred cow yields 1,400 liters. Enjoy dairy on 1 June, World Milk Day 2020


  4. Safer milk. More sales. Healthier children. The ILRI MoreMilk project works with the informal market to provide training that will improve milk quality and sales, especially for female vendors, and to provide better nutrition for children under four years. About 80-90% of all milk sold in East and Central Africa goes through the informal market, employing thousands of traders and service providers, and providing millions of poor consumers with a nutritious, affordable dairy. Investing in the informal market matters. Read more at And enjoy dairy on 1 June World Milk Day 2020


  5. India is the largest milk producer in the world. 60% of dairy animals are owned by small farmers, many of them women. ILRI has worked with the Himmotthan Society to strengthen Uttarakhand’s small-scale farmers, supporting the livelihoods of 5,680 women farmers in 320 villages, boosting milk prices by 17% and milk production by 300%. Read more at And enjoy dairy on 1 June World Milk Day 2020



Follow ILRI on Instagram @whylivestockmatter. Like and repost our #EnjoyDairy and #WorldMilkDay posts.


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