To maximize livestock-mediated welfare and livelihoods among women and men smallholder and pastoral producers and their communities, and increase the availability of quality animal-source food to poor consumers.
The program aims to achieve:
- Inclusive and sustainable investments by both public and private actors based on evidence from policy and foresight analysis, and impact assessment within the context of dynamic and varied global and regional livestock systems.
- More gender-equitable control of livestock assets, through gender-transformative approaches and gender-responsive technology and innovation.
- Improved nutrition in rural livestock-keeping households and their communities, by identifying, testing and facilitating livestock-mediated pathways to better and more diverse diets.
- Improved livelihoods and productivity of smallholder livestock keepers through ex ante and ex post assessment of technology packages and strategies.
- Improved performance of livestock value chains through institutional innovation and capacity development.
Recent accomplishments
Livestock master plans for Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Bihar and Odisha States of India and the Gambia developed with national ministries. In Ethiopia the plan has informed USD100 million investment in value addition processing and a USD170 million World Bank livestock sector investment program used the plan to inform priorities. A similar plan is being developed for the Bihar State of India.
Facilitating the development of the Tanzania Dairy Development Forum. With 170 organizations participating, it has raised interest and investment in the dairy industry.
A coherent and comprehensive approach to gender and livestock is being rolled out across all livestock research areas. This involves leveraging genetic interventions to empower women. The research will have an impact globally as it provides entry points on gender for livestock projects across the world.