
Zoonoses in livestock in Kenya

Zoonoses in livestock in Kenya

Linking biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in the Serengeti-Mara region, East Africa: Drivers of change, causalities and sustainable management strategies (AfricanBioServices)

Linking biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in the Serengeti-Mara region, East Africa: Drivers of change, causalities and sustainable management strategies (AfricanBioServices)

Mapping hotspots of ecosystem services in Tana Basin: a review of vulnerable and resilient areas

Realizing the full biomass potential of mixed crop-livestock systems in rapidly changing sahelian agro-ecological landscapes

Identification and implementation support of mitigation priorities and opportunities in rice-dominated landscapes

Surveillance and early-warning systems for climate-sensitive diseases in Vietnam and Laos (Pestforecast)

Surveillance and early-warning systems for climate-sensitive diseases in Vietnam and Laos (Pestforecast)

Addressing bovine tuberculosis at the human-animal interface and veterinary antibiotic use in smallholder peri-urban dairy farms in India to ensure safe and sustainable milk production

Enhancing the value of ecosystem services in pastoral systems

Developing a livestock traceability system for domestic and export markets in pastoral areas of eastern Africa

Developing a livestock traceability system for domestic and export markets in pastoral areas of eastern Africa

Comprehensive Livestock Environment Assessment for Improved Nutrition, Secured Environment and Sustainable Development

Toward development of a vaccine for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP)

Enabling livestock based economies in Kenya to adapt to climate change: A Review of payment for ecosystem services from wildlife tourism as a climate change adaptation option