Program for Climate Smart Livestock Systems (PCSL): Futures workshop, Ethiopia, May 2021
The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is implementing the Program for Climate Smart Livestock (PCSL) in Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. PCSL is designed to build the capacity of governments, the private sector, and livestock keepers towards improving livestock productivity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to climate change. In May 2021, ILRI held a hybrid (in-person and virtual) workshop with relevant stakeholders to discuss potential transformative pathways for the livestock sector in Ethiopia.
Kitololo, L., Pereira, L., Vrettos, C., Cramer, L., Habermann, B. and Worku, T. 2021. Futures thinking for the Ethiopian Livestock sector. PCSL Futures Report 3. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.