COVID-19 and the bovine livestock sector in Colombia: Current and potential developments, impacts and mitigation options


The COVID-19 crisis is affecting the bovine livestock sector in Colombia.
First impacts and short-term mitigation measures are already visible
in all links of the beef and dairy value chains. The full magnitude of the
crisis is not yet visible but most impacts already are or will be negative
and will affect the beef and dairy value chain’s performance in the
near future. However, positive trends are also visible and some will
endure the crisis and help building a more resilient food system for the
future. Consumer preferences will change towards more food safety,
traceability, animal welfare and sustainability and the sector will need
to understand this and push value chain formalization and consumer
communication. The transformation of the primary sector towards
more sustainability and efficiency is becoming urgent, not only to
increase resilience during times of crisis (as in the actual COVID-19
situation), but also to face the aggravating effects of climate change
and combat inequality. Digitalization and virtualization have become
important means during the crisis in all links of the value chains,
creating opportunities for sustainably increasing sector efficiency.
Research can play a fundamental role in analyzing and understanding
the impacts posed by the current crisis, providing technologies and
recommendations for recovery, and developing solutions for building
resilient food systems. This document serves as a guide to understand
current developments, impacts and mitigation measures related to the
COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides an outlook on potential future
impacts and suggestions for mitigation options that can help policyand decision-makers in preparing the sector better for future crises


Burkart S.; Díaz M.F.; Enciso-Valencia K.; Urrea-Benítez J.L.; Charry-Camacho A.; Triana-Ángel N. 2020 COVID-19 and the bovine livestock sector in Colombia: Current and potential developments, impacts and mitigation options. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali, Colombia. 36 p.


  • Burkart, Stefan
  • Díaz, Manuel Francisco
  • Enciso-Valencia, Karen
  • Urrea Benítez, José Luis
  • Charry-Camacho, Andrés
  • Triana Ángel, Natalia