Publications Archive

Salmonella carriage by geckos detected within households in Malawi

  • Wilson, C.N.
  • Musicha, P.
  • Beale, M.A.
  • Diness, Y.
  • Kanjerwa, O.
  • Salifu, C.
  • Katuah, Z.
  • Duncan, P.
  • Nyangu, J.
  • Mungu, A.
  • Deleza, M.
  • Banda, L.
  • Elviss, N.
  • Jewell, C.P.
  • Pinchbeck, G.
  • Thomson, N.R.
  • Feasey, N.A.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Makhaza, L.

Economic evidence for the control of meatborne parasites in Europe: A scoping review

  • Dadios, N.
  • Imazaki, P.H.
  • Millins, C.
  • Thomas, Lian F.

The RAMONA project and potential linkages to the ILRI platform

  • Griffiths, P.

Capacity-building of livestock champions and other target actors on behaviour change communication in Mali

  • Sow, Ahmadou
  • Zannou, Olivier
  • Dione, Michel M.

How do food safety technical working groups within a One Health framework work? Experiences from Vietnam and Ethiopia

  • Lam, Steven
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Bekele, Meseret
  • Amenu, Kebede
  • Alonso, Silvia
  • Unger, Fred
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
ILRI publication cover

Mechanisms behind high N2O emissions from livestock enclosures in Kenya revealed by dual-isotope and functional gene analyses

  • Xiantao Fang
  • Harris, S.J.
  • Leitner, Sonja
  • Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
  • Conz, R.F.
  • Merbold, Lutz
  • Dannenmann, M.
  • Oyugi, A.
  • Shuwei Liu
  • Jianwen Zou
  • Six, Johan
  • Barthel, M.
ILRI publication cover

Breaking down siloes: Towards effective integration of resilience and humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa

  • Mohamed, Tahira Shariff
  • Crane, Todd A.
  • Roba, Guyo Malicha
  • Derbyshire, Samuel F.
  • Banerjee, Rupsha R.

Nourishing Nations: Transforming Africa's food systems through a planetary and population health lens

  • International Livestock Research Institute

Support for the implementation of the Ethiopia food system transformation pathway: the case of developing a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework

  • International Livestock Research Institute