Publications Archive

Ecological and subject-level drivers of interepidemic Rift Valley fever virus exposure in humans and livestock in Northern Kenya

  • Muturi, Mathew
  • Mwatondo, Athman
  • Nijhof, A.M.
  • Akoko, James M.
  • Nyamota, Richard
  • Makori, A.
  • Nyamai, M.
  • Nthiwa, D.
  • Wambua, Lillian
  • Roesel, Kristina
  • Thumbi, Samuel M.
  • Bett, Bernard K.

Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture: Innovations and evidence

  • Quisumbing, Agnes R.
  • Cole, Steven M.
  • Elias, Marlène
  • Faas, Simone
  • Galiè, Alessandra
  • Malapit, Hazel J.
  • Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.
  • Myers, Emily
  • Seymour, Greg
  • Twyman, Jennifer

Endowments, expectations, and the value of food safety certification: experimental evidence from fish markets in Nigeria

  • Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia
  • Bulte, Erwin
  • Lagerkvist, Carl Johan
  • Nhuong Tran

Effects of aflatoxins and fumonisins, alone or in combination, on performance, health, and safety of food products of broiler chickens, and mitigation efficacy of bentonite and fumonisin esterase

  • Ochieng, P.E.
  • Croubels, S.
  • Kemboi, D.
  • Okoth, S.
  • Baere, S. de
  • Cavalier, E.
  • Kang'ethe, Erastus K.
  • Faas, J.
  • Doupovec, B.
  • Gathumbi, J.
  • Douny, C.
  • Scippo, M.-L.
  • Lindahl, Johanna F.
  • Antonissen, G.

Understanding knowledge, attitude and perception of Rift Valley fever in Baringo South, Kenya: A cross-sectional study

  • Chiuya, T.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Junglen, S.
  • Borgemeister, C.

ILRI 2023 MFS activities: Update

  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Gebreyes, Million
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.
  • Seifu, Haimanot

Livestock donor roundtable to advance partnerships and commitments for strengthening the transformation of Africa’s food, land and water systems

  • Mugo, Cynthia
  • Victor, Michael
ILRI publication cover

Watershed management, groundwater recharge and drought resilience: An integrated approach to adapt to rainfall variability in northern Ethiopia

  • Woldearegay, Kifle
  • Grum, Berhane
  • Hessel, Rudi
  • Steenbergen, Frank
  • Fleskens, Luuk
  • Yazew, Eyasu
  • Tamene, Lulseged
  • Mekonnen, Kindu
  • Reda, Teklay
  • Haftu, Mulu

Applying circular economy principles to intensification of livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Duncan, Alan J.
  • Ayantunde, Augustine A.
  • Blümmel, Michael
  • Amole, Tunde A.
  • Varijakshapanicker, Padmakumar
  • Moran, Dominic