2023Policies and Design Processes to Enable TransformationPereira, LauraVrettos, ChrisCramer, Laura K.Drimie, ScottMuiderman, KarlijnSchapendonk, FransStringer, Lindsay C.Veeger, MariekeVervoort, Joost M.Wamukoya, George
2023Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in Sub-Saharan AfricaOloo, Richard DoosoEkine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gebreyohanes, GebregziabherMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyChagunda, Mizeck G.G.
2018Optimal design of low density marker panels for genotype imputationAliloo, HassanMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyOjango, Julie M.K.Dessie, TadelleRege, J.E.O.Goddard, M.Gibson, John P.
2018Deriving genomic breeding values for feed intake and body weight in dairy goatsDesire, S.Mucha, S.Coffey, M.Mrode, Raphael A.Broadbent, J.Conington, J.
2018Genetic parameters for longevity traits in UK dairy goatsGeddes, L.Desire, S.Mucha, S.Coffey, M.Mrode, Raphael A.Conington, J.
2018Invited review: Genomic selection for small ruminants in developed countries: How applicable for the rest of the world?Mrode, Raphael A.Tarekegn, G.M.Mwacharo, Joram M.Djikeng, Appolinaire
2017Incorporation of genomic selection into the Murrah buffalo breeding programMarshall, KarenMrode, Raphael A.Sikka, P.Singh, K.P.Singh, I.Bhardwaj, A.
2017Incorporating the single-step strategy into a random regression model to enhance genomic prediction of longitudinal traitsKang, H.Zhou, L.Mrode, Raphael A.Zhang, Q.Liu, J.F.
2017Characterization of genome-wide segmental duplications reveals a common genomic feature of association with immunity among domestic animalsXiaotian FengJicai JiangPadhi, AbinashChao NingJinluan FuAiguo WangMrode, Raphael A.Jian-Feng Liu
2017Quantitative proteome analysis of bovine mammary gland reveals protein dynamic changes involved in peak and late lactation stagesZheng, XianruiNing, ChaoDong, YichunZhao, PengjuLi, JunhuiZiyao FanLi, JiangYing YuMrode, Raphael A.Liu, Jian Feng
2017Herd recording and farmer education using digital platforms are feasible and can be transformative in AfricaOkeyo Mwai, AllyMrode, Raphael A.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gibson, John P.Chagunda, Mizeck G.G.Negussie, E.Effa, K.Lyatuu, Eliamoni T.R.Kahumbu Stephanou, SuKemp, Stephen J.