Participatory rangeland management toolkit for Kenya
Robinson, Lance W.
Flintan, Fiona E.
Kasyoka, Sarah
Ng'ang'a, Irene N.
Otieno, K.
Sircely, Jason A.
Big data in resilience-building of rangeland communities
Flintan, Fiona E.
Gender and One Health context analysis for HEAL
Eba, Bedasa
Wieland, Barbara
Flintan, Fiona E.
Njiru, Nelly
Baltenweck, Isabelle
Introduction to Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM)
Flintan, Fiona E.
Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel. Summary of 2nd Webinar in the Land Tenure and Governance Webinar series, 13 October 2020
Flintan, Fiona E.
Mapping as a tool for filling data gaps in grasslands and savannahs
Flintan, Fiona E.
Eba, Bedasa
How to prevent land use conflicts in pastoral areas
Flintan, Fiona E.
Research investments in institutional innovations: The case of rangeland governance in Tunisia. Summary of a Webinar, 9 July 2020