
Piloting climate-adaptive forage seed systems in Ethiopia (FeedSeed)

Developing value chain action plans for the Ethiopia Livestock Master Plan

Livestock and irrigation value chains for Ethiopian smallholders (LIVES)

Safe Food, Fair Food 2: From capacity building to implementation

Fodder and feed in livestock value chains in Ethiopia – trends and prospects

Uptake of Integrated Termite Management for rehabilitation of degraded rangeland in East Africa

Africa RISING: Sustainable intensification of crop-livestock systems to improve food security and farm income diversification in the Ethiopian highlands

Livelihood diversifying potential of livestock based carbon sequestration options in pastoral and agro pastoral systems in Africa

Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Social sustainability and Tipping points in African drylands (BEST)

Reducing the impact of infectious diseases on village poultry production in Ethiopia

Live cattle value chain diagnostic study

Exploiting market opportunities for value-added dairy and meat products in the Eastern and Central Africa region