More pork by and for the poor: Catalyzing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda for food security and poverty reduction
The project builds on the outputs from the Smallholder Pig Value Chains Development (SPVCD) project and plans to conduct larger scale pilots from the learning obtained. Its focus is on farmers and other actors in the pig value chain. The overall project goal is improved food and nutritional security for poor households, improved livelihoods for value chain actors and better performance of smallholder pig value chain systems in selected areas in Uganda. These are to be achieved through a proposed 4-year research-for-development project working with research and development partners to:
- Develop, test and evaluate best-bet options on improved pig husbandry and manure management practices, swine health, breeding management and improved diets to strengthen the pig value chain through improved productivity and environmentally sustainable practices at the farm level.
- Develop, test and evaluate best-bet options on sustainable organisational marketing mechanisms and waste management practices to strengthen the pig value chain through improved pork safety and better access to inputs, services and output markets.
- Develop, test and evaluate best-bet options to increase utilisation of edible pig parts and increase consumer awareness about benefits of consumption of animal source foods.
- Inform policy to recognize and appropriately promote the role of pro-poor pig value chains in Uganda.