Livestock-led interventions towards equitable livelihoods and improved environment in the North-West Highlands of Vietnam - Villages selection for the project interventions


Douxchamps, S.; Tu, M.T.; Teufel, N.; Huyen, L.T.T.; Thinh, N.; Atieno, M.; Lee, H. S.; Nguyen-Viet, H.; Poole, J. (2020) Livestock-led interventions towards equitable livelihoods and improved environment in the North-West Highlands of Vietnam - Villages selection for the project interventions. Hanoi (Vietnam): CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. 5 p.


  • Douxchamps, Sabine
  • Mai Thanh Tu
  • Teufel, Nils
  • Le Thi Thanh Huyen
  • Nguyen Thinh
  • Otieno, Mary Atieno
  • Hu Suk Lee
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Poole, Elizabeth J.