Estimating and mapping the population at risk of sleeping sickness


Simarro, P.P., Cecchi, G., Franco, J.R., Paone, M., Diarra, A., Ruiz-Postigo, J.A., Fèvre, E.M., Mattioli, R.C. and Jannin, J.G. 2012. Estimating and mapping the population at risk of sleeping sickness. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6(10): e1859


  • Simarro, P.P.
  • Cecchi, G.
  • Franco, J.R.
  • Paone, M.
  • Diarra, A.
  • Ruíz Postigo, J.A.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Mattioli, R.C.
  • Jannin, J.G.