Development and use of a mobile application for transboundary animal and emerging zoonotic diseases surveillance: A One Health project for improving human and animal health and food security in Vietnam
Thang Nguyen-Tien
Luong Hung Nam
Sinh Dang-Xuan
Unger, Fred
Hung Nguyen-Viet
Hu Suk Lee
Park, M.
Overview of the ILRI forage genebank collection and development of best bet forage genotypes
Habte, Ermias
Farmvetcare mobile application
Thang Nguyen
Hu Suk Lee
Hung Nguyen-Viet
Forage observation trial at Shurmo Kebele in Lemo district, Ethiopia
Tesema, Fikadu
Mekonnen, Kindu
Amare, Fikadu
Forage screening initiatives in different agro-ecologies and socioeconomic setups
Alemayehu, Liulseged
Mekonnen, Kindu
Alene, Temesgen
The Vicious Worm education tool improves the knowledge of community health workers on Taenia solium cysticercosis in Rwanda
Uwibambe, E.
Shyaka, A.
Niyotwagira, E.
Mutoniwase, J.
Fèvre, Eric M.
Quinnell, R.J.
Trevisan, C.
Quantitative assessment of food safety interventions for Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. along the chicken meat supply chain in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia
Ssemanda, J.N.
Besten, H.M.W. den
Wagenberg, C.P.A. van
Zwietering, M.H.
Project Sensitization and Training Workshop Report