Training to build nutrition capacity in the Nigerian agricultural sector: Initial assessment and future directions
Adeyemi, O.
Phorbee, O.
Samuel, F.
Sanusi, R.
Afolabi, W.
Covic, Namukolo M.
Onabolu, A.
Ajieroh, V.
Strategies for better integrating nutrient supplementation and dietary diversity approaches for stunting reduction and improved nutrition outcomes: A Rwandan case study
Warner, James
Marivoet, Wim
Covic, Namukolo M.
Umugwaneza, M.
Changes in Nigeria’s enabling environment for nutrition from 2008 to 2019 and challenges for reducing malnutrition
Adeyemi, O.
Bold, M. van den
Nisbett, N.
Covic, Namukolo M.
CGIAR in Ethiopia, transition and global perspectives: Transforming food, land and water systems in a climate crisis
Covic, Namukolo M.
Nutrition leadership for climate change resilient food system and nutrition in Ethiopia
Covic, Namukolo M.
Opportunities for Africa to address all forms of malnutrition: How can the UN Nutrition Strategy 2022–2030 contribute?
Covic, Namukolo M.
Harnessing the flexibility of the Senior Experts
Covic, Namukolo M.
Food systems transformation: An African perspective of where we are and where to next
Covic, Namukolo M.
The whole grain manifesto: From Green Revolution to Grain Evolution