Publications Archive

Livestock stakeholder meeting: East Africa Dairy Development Project

  • Mugumya, R.
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Atyang, S.
  • Kugonza, J.
  • Turyahikayo, S.

Understanding farmers’ preferences for artificial insemination services provided through dairy hubs

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Zander, K.K.
  • Bauer, S.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle

Dairy value chains in East Africa: Why so few women?

  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Waithanji, Elizabeth M.
  • Kinuthia, Emmanuel
  • Odhiambo, Martin

Dairy farm households, processor linkages and household income: The case of dairy hub linkages in East Africa

  • Rao, E.J.O.
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Karimov, A.A.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle

Processor linkages, farm productivity and household income in dairy farm households in East Africa

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Rao, E.J.O.
  • Karimov, A.A.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle

Analysis of farm household technical efficiency in small-scale beekeeping enterprise in Mwingi and Kitui, Kenya

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Affognon, Hippolyte D.
  • Kingori, W.S.
  • Diiro, M.G.
  • Muriithi, B.W.
  • Raina, S.K.

Continuous cow productivity monitoring survey: Farmer recruitment report

  • Oyieng, Edwin P.
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Kinuthia, E.
  • Ojango, Julie M.K.
  • Kihara, Absolomon
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle

Setting up sustainable dairy business hubs: A resource book for facilitators

  • Mutinda, G.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
ILRI publication cover

Using dairy hubs to improve farmers' access to milk markets in Kenya: Gender and its implications

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Zander, K.K.
  • Bauer, S.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle