Publications Archive

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Training needs assessment: A process guide for Maziwa Zaidi Dairy Development Project

  • Kang'ethe, Edwin
  • Omore, Amos O.
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.

Maziwa Zaidi inclusion results and achievements

  • Galiè, Alessandra
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Achandi, Esther L.
  • Sufian, Farha Deba
  • Newton, Julie

Mobile veterinary clinics in the drylands of Kenya: Securing pastoralists’ livelihoods by bringing services close

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Kinuthia, Emmanuel
  • Kirui, Leonard
  • Njoroge-Wamwere, George
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Munene, Ambrose
  • Onle, S.
  • Dida, D.
  • Kiara, Henry K.

Women empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) study in East Africa Dairy Development project sites in Tanzania: Survey report

  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Kariuki, Eunice
  • Kinuthia, Emmanuel
  • Korir, Luke

Partners for dairy value chain research and development in Tanzania: A scoping for Maziwa Zaidi II

  • Ngoteya, Godfrey
  • Jeremiah, Adolf
  • Lyatuu, Eliamoni T.R.
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Omore, Amos O.

A view into the dairy market hubs approach

  • Baltenweck, Isabelle
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.

Guide pédagogique de l’enquête sur l’indice d’autonomisation des femmes dans l’élevage (WELI)

  • Galiè, Alessandra
  • Teufel, Nils
  • Kariuki, Eunice
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.

Promoting technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania

  • Omore, Amos O.
  • Rao, E.J.O.
  • Jeremiah, Adolf
  • Ngoteya, Godfrey
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
ILRI publication cover

Public-Private-Partnership in animal health delivery

  • Kiara, Henry K.
  • Munene, Ambrose
  • Omondi, Immaculate A.
  • Wako, Diba Dida
  • Takal, S.O.
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Wamwere-Njoroge, George J.