Impact evaluation on the effectiveness of the FEAST tool in changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in the development of livestock feed interventions
Kinyua, Charity
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Determinants and impact of adopting climate-smart brachiaria grass among dairy farmers in Kenya
Maina, K.
Ritho, C.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Rao, E.J.O.
Year round feed and fodder availability in smallholder dairy farms across high and low altitude areas in Eastern Africa
Ongadi, Mudavadi P.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Mpolya, Emmanuel A.
Min Wang
Chagunda, Mizeck G.G.
Integrated livestock feed interventions
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Marwa, L.
Rubanza, C.D.K.
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Mutungi, C.
The use of antimicrobials to boost livestock productivity at Ugandan piggery and poultry farms and implications for public health
Ndoboli, D.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Wieland, Barbara
Grace, Delia
Roesel, Kristina
Introducing the proposed Uganda smallholder pig value chain development project, 2019-2021
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Ouma, Emily A.
Poole, Elizabeth J.
Njehu, Alice
Dione, Michel M.
Marshall, Karen
Weber, Christoph
Paul, Birthe K.
Baltenweck, Isabelle
Dror, Iddo
Jones, Christopher S.
Peters, Michael
Magnusson, Ulf
Characterization of livestock production systems and identifying potential feed interventions for increasing dairy productivity in Nyagatare district, eastern Rwanda
Nshokeyinka, J.
Manishimwe, A.
Kagwa, E.
Maurice, R.
Niyiragira, V.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Do farmers benefit financially from adopting improved planted forages: Evidence from adoption of Brachiaria grass among smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya
Maina, Kevin W.
Ritho, C.N.
Lukuyu, Ben A.
Rao, E.J.O.
Boosting Uganda's Investments in Livestock Development (2019-2023): Introducing the antimicrobial resistance component