News Archive

African livestock systems’ emission intensities are not as high as believed and potential avenues to reduce them


African livestock systems’ emission intensities are not as high as believed and potential avenues to reduce them

African livestock systems’ greenhouse gas emission

African livestock systems’ greenhouse gas emission intensities are not as high as believed and potential avenues to reduce them

New study provides the first detailed report on the occurrence of the tick-borne parasite Babesia bovis in cattle in Kenya

Nghiên cứu mới cho thấy khả năng kháng kháng sinh của vi khuẩn Salmonella trong các mẫu thịt lợn tại các cửa hàng bán lẻ và cơ sở giết mổ ở Việt Nam

Choosing the right food outlet to eat better: a communication campaign for Burkina Faso

PPR epidemiology to inform risk-based control in Uganda

ILRI and partners develop benchmarks for undergraduate food safety curriculum for East Africa

ILRI PhD Graduate Fellowship: Assessing wildlife value chain and interspecies transmission risk of zoonotic diseases using a One Health approach in Vietnam(Closing date: 26 May 2022)

Giraffe in ILRI Kapiti ranch


Investigating pathogens in wildlife in Kenya to tackle neglected zoonoses