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Africa's Food Systems Forum

Across the continent, livestock systems are incredibly diverse and complex, and holistic development solutions for the sector can play a significant role in sustainably transforming food systems in Africa. However, the sector is often overlooked in food systems debates and as a result, the sector’s potential for socio-economic development is not fully realised.

At Africa's Food Systems Forum (AGRF) 2023 Summit, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) will showcase how comprehensive livestock sector solutions encompass this year's summit theme, ‘Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation.’ This will be done through a field day, a donor roundtable, side events and main program plenary engagements and presentations of investable solutions at the deal-room and Tanzania showcase to catalyse an action-oriented dialogue and strategies.

Read more about 2023 AGRF here

ILRI delegation

Appolinaire Djikeng

Appolinaire Djikeng

Director General and CGIAR Senior Director of Livestock-Based Systems

Namukolo Covic

Namukolo Covic

Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia, CGIAR Ethiopia Country Convenor

Shirley Tarawali

Shirley Tarawali

Board secretary, Assistant Director General Institutional Strategy and Advocacy

Iain Wright

Iain Wright

ILRI Emeritus Fellow

Amos Omore

Amos Omore

ILRI regional representative, Eastern and Southern Africa

James Rao

James Rao

Agricultural Economist

Anthony Whitbread

Anthony Whitbread

Program Leader, Livestock, Climate, Environment (LCE)

Michael Victor

Michael Victor

Head, Communications and Knowledge Management

Cynthia Mugo

Cynthia Mugo

Policy & Engagement Stakeholder Advisor

Terry Amaya

Terry Amaya

Executive Assistant, Biosciences

Shahida Hussien

Shahida Hussien

Communication and engagement officer 

Gloriana Ndibalema

Gloriana Ndibalema

Communication Officer