
ILRI and its partners advance collaborative research for development projects that provide opportunities for early-career scientists and young professionals to excel in research for development of livestock research for food security and poverty reduction. Through the ILRI fellowship program, ILRI offers a global graduate fellowship program that provides opportunities for young scientists and graduate fellows from universities, national agricultural research organizations and interns to participate in research activities essentially developing their capacity towards becoming the next generation of livestock scientists. 

Alice Kiarie

Alice Kiarie

Graduate Fellow

Arusey Chebet

Arusey Chebet

PhD Graduate Fellow

Dickson Machira

Dickson Machira

Graduate Fellow

Dreck Ayebare

Dreck Ayebare

Research assistant

Gaius Vihowanou

Gaius Vihowanou

Graduate Fellow at ILRI Mazingira Centre

Idibu Joachine

Idibu Joachine

PhD Graduate Fellow, Mazingira Centre, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi

Kristen Tam

Kristen Tam

Princeton in Africa Fellow

Madison Spinelli

Madison Spinelli

Princeton in Africa Fellow



PhD fellow