Academic/Professional background
A licensed veterinarian with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and a Masers of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics from the University of Nairobi. I have professional background in the research, education and civil service sectors. I have been a research intern at the KEMRI- Wellcome Trust Research program involving analysis of data to elucidate transmission dynamics of coronaviruses as well as research projects at undergraduate and master’s levels. In addition, I have been a lecturer and head of animal health department at Baraton college while also doing parttime lecturing at Egerton and Chuka Universities. Most recently I have been serving as a veterinary officer in the county government of Nyandarua.
Fellowship research topic & summary, length of fellowship.
My fellowship research topic is in a larger project on Mitigating the threat of vector-borne disease in Northern Kenya. In this project I am investigating livestock value chains in Northern Kenya with reference to disease risk, emergence and spread. In specific I am mapping the cattle, small stock and camel value chains in the region identifying the products, processes and actors within, conducting a risk analysis of the cattle, small stock and camel value chains in the region identifying hotspots for disease emergence and spread in the value chains and finally describing the socioeconomics of the cattle, small stock and camel value chains in Northern Kenya. The graduate fellowship will be for a period of three years ending in mid-2026.
Hosting program at ILRI
I am hosted at the animal and human health program at the International Livestock Research Institute and supervised by Dr. James Hassel, Prof. Eric Fevre (International Livestock Research Institute) and Dr. Joshua Onono (University of Nairobi). The project is funded by the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency and led by the Smithsonian Institute with collaborations with the International Livestock Research Institute and the University of Nairobi.