

Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)

Participatory Epidemiology Network for Animal and Public Health (PENAPH)

Environmentally Efficient Production Options for Intensifying Livestock Systems


A system to cost effectively create a continuous supply of F1 heifer via sexed embryos

Optimization and genotyping of DNA samples of 40 sheep populations from seven countries of the CRP using FAO/ISAG recommended panel of microsatellite DNA makers


Developing and piloting index based livestock insurance to reduce poverty and vulnerability

Maximizing benefits from crop residues in East Africa through minimizing trade-offs and employing integrated agronomic and institutional interventions

Climate change and small ruminants in extensive systems in East Africa – challenges, co-benefits and options for methane mitigation (CHANCE)


Pilot project on the feasibility of generating carbon credit through dairy productivity gains

Land Use Change, Impacts and Dynamics (LUCID)

A genomics approach to understanding the immunopathology of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP): Improvement of current live vaccines and development of next generation vaccines

Breeding for improved village chicken production in Ethiopia