What ILRI’s visitors are reading and viewing in 2014

The time when research institutions only produced scientific papers and reports is long gone, though these products remain at the heart of what many CGIAR scientists produce.

Like our sister CGIAR centres, ILRI’s research publishing is now very diverse, spanning images, video, posters, podcasts, blogposts, tweets, extension leaflets and much more.

What are the most-read or viewed in the past year? We are lucky that all the channels we use provide metrics and stats of various sorts.

Our reports and publications are on CGspace; the top 20 in terms of downloads in 2014 were:

Item titleFile downloads Item viewsSum
1. Worm control for small ruminants in tropical Asia17,02716017,187
2. Towards priority actions for market development for African farmers11,15762611,783
3. Writing convincing research proposals and effective scientific reports. Part A: writing a convincing proposal7,5417498,290
4. The role of livestock in developing communities: Enhancing multifunctionality7,5144938,007
5. Concepts and practices in agricultural extension in developing countries: a source book6,8828497,731
6. Feeding dairy cattle: a manual for smallholder dairy farmers and extension workers in East Africa6,2802,0548,334
7. Market access and value chain analysis of dairy industry in Ethiopia: The case of Wolaita Zone6,1156536,768
8. Sustainable utilization of agro-industrial wastes through integration of bio-energy and mushroom production5,6652055,870
9. Sheep and goat production and marketing systems in Ethiopia: characteristics and strategies for improvement5,5589996,557
10. Smallholder dairy production and marketing systems in Ethiopia: IPMS experiences and opportunities for market-oriented development5,4956816,176
11. Study of the Ethiopian live cattle and beef value chain5,1714905,661
12. The dairy value chain in Kenya4,8493435,192
13. Impacts of climate change on the agricultural and aquatic systems and natural resources within the CGIAR’s mandate4,6551,6466,301
14. Smallholder dairy production and marketing—Opportunities and constraints4,0971504,247
15. An assessment on the role of women in agriculture in Southern Nation Nationality People’s Region: The case of Halaba Special Woreda, Ethiopia3,7152733,988
16. Analysis of fruit and vegetable market chains in Alamata, Southern Zone of Tigray: the case of onion, tomato and papaya3,6803464,026
17. Cattle milk and meat production and marketing systems and opportunities for market-orientation in Fogera woreda, Amhara region, Ethiopia3,6733534,026
18. Climate variability and climate change and their impacts on Kenya’s agricultural sector3,6502863,936
19. IPMS project implementation plan, March 20053,4911553,646
20. Analysis of poultry market chain: The case of Dale and Alaba ‘Special’ Woredas of SNNPRS, Ethiopia3,3493203,669


Our posters and presentations are on slideshare; the top 20 in terms of views in 2014 were:

Poster or presentationViews
1. Quantifying Salmonella spp. in pig slaughterhouses and pork markets associated with human health in Hung Yen, Vietnam5,517
2. Poultry production in Ethiopia: An overview4,391
3. Livestock research for food security and poverty reduction: ILRI strategy 2013–20223,836
4. Introduction to agricultural value chains and supply chain management2,264
5. ILRI in the CGIAR Research Programs2,031
6. Innovations in agricultural extension: What can Ethiopia learn from global experiences?1,910
7. Pig and pork zoonoses in Uganda1,824
8. Feasibility assessment of selected sites for the pilot project on the feasibility of generating carbon credit through dairy productivity gains1,808
9. Rabies in Bali: A chronology and experience made with an EcoHealth approach for a better control of rabies1,807
10. Feeding the World in 2050: Trade-offs, synergies and tough choices for the livestock sector1,803
11. Generating carbon credits from the Kenyan dairy industry: A pilot study1,788
12. Multimedia in research: What is it? Why use it? How to use it?1,785
13. Q fever in Africa and Asia: A systematic literature review and mapping of disease1,781
14. Dairy hubs in East Africa: Lessons from the East Africa Dairy Development project1,752
15. Some gender concepts1,738
16. Technical mitigation options in dairy1,700
17. Integrated crop livestock systems: A key to sustainable intensification in Africa1,698
18. Microbial contaminations in milk and identification of selected pathogenic bacteria along dairy value chain in Tanga region, Tanzania1,632
19. Agricultural research for crop and livestock value chains development: The IPMS experience1,577
20. Climate-smart Brachiaria Grasses for Improving Livestock Production in East Africa1,555


Our videos and films are on Youtube; the top 20 in 2014 by views were:

1. Improving African Livestock with Reproductive Technologies and Genomics10,367
2. Memory’s Day: A Day in the Life of a Girl in Rural Malawi7,488
3. Pig Keeping in Northeast India5,896
4. Improving livelihoods through goat rearing and commercialisation in Mozambique3,696
5. Livestock Under Threat: Managing the Future of Native West African Ruminant Livestock2,589
6. Ankole Cattle: One of Africa’s Disappearing Livestock Breeds?2,115
7. ILRI Annual Program Meeting 2013 in pictures1,993
Small-scale Dairying in Northeast India1,648
8. The Muchina family: How dairy farming educates Kenya’s children1,579
9. Introducing the ILRI campus in Ethiopia: The facilities and the people1,543
10. Smallholder pig farming in Uganda: A day in the life of a research for development project1,313
11. Improving livelihoods through goat rearing and commercialisation in India1,238
12. The Story of One Woman’s Struggles in Rural Malawi1,234
13. L’élevage dans la ceinture de tsé-tsé en Afrique de l’Ouest1,196
14. Livestock fattening innovation in Ethiopia – the Metema story1,130
15. Introducing the ILRI campus in Kenya The facilities and the people1,018
16. Heat, Rain and Livestock: Impacts of Climate Change on Africa’s Livestock Herders970
17. የመስኖ ሙዝ ልማት በመተማ ወረዳ852
18. Ethiopian farmers use water harvesting techniques to fight climate change761
19. Three Endangered African Livestock Breeds635
20. No bees no honey: Apiculture value chain experiences in Ethiopia 632


Finally, we publish across several different news and project blogs; the most viewed in 2014 were:

Blog titleViews
1. ILRI News106,457
2. ILRI Clippings52,229
3. Livestock Fish CGIAR program49,276
4. Africa RISING Program37,512
5. LIVES project29,262
6. IBLI project15,490
7. AgHealth blog11,333
8. Nile Basin Development Challenge9,519
9. Livestock Gender and Innovation8,690
10. BioScience blog8,132


Note: these numbers were compiled on 24 December 2014; so may already be a bit out of date.