Cultivating Knowledge, Enhancing Productivity: Weekly Voice Messages Fostering Climate-Smart Livestock Practices in Ethiopia
Weekly Voice Messages for Farmers is a series of audio message programs focusing on climatesmart livestock feed and forage innovations in Ethiopia. The program is implemented by Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project and the Mixed Farming Systems (MFS) initiative and as part of the partnership to use an interactive mobile voice message program to scale-up feed and forage innovations in the Ethiopian highlands. The program aims to scale climatesmart feed and forage innovations in Ethiopia by providing farmers with timely and accurate information on the latest livestock feed and
forage innovations. The program also aims to strengthen the capacity of farmers and agricultural experts to adopt and use these
Mekonnen K, Gebreyes M, Seifu H. 2023. Cultivating Knowledge, Enhancing Productivity: Weekly Voice Messages Fostering Climate-Smart Livestock Practices in Ethiopia. AICCRA Info Note. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).