Tools and training materials to help mainstream gender in Humidtropics activities

The Gender Strategy of the the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated System for the Humid Tropics, or Humidtropics, committed to the empowerment of women.

It focused on four areas: access to material assets, access to knowledge and know-how, improved capacity (including the ability to make decisions) and the ability and self confidence to make choices.

To support mainstreaming of these into Humidtropics research, the program developed four classroom-training modules to be used by facilitators of innovation platforms.

These cover:

The source for these training materials was the IITA Training Manual for Gender Mainstreaming and Analysis: Building Capacity for Agricultural Research for Development and Innovation, as well as tools for gender analysis adapted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Institute of Development Studies.