Safe Food, Fair Food at the 13th ISVEE conference in Maastricht

From August 20-24, 2012, Safe Food, Fair Food project will be represented at the 13th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology & Economics (ISVEE) in Maastricht, The Netherlands by:

Moreover, Dr Delia Grace (SFFF Project PI) and Dr Max Baumann (Freie Universität Berlin and project partner) will present on topics beyond the project. Fingers crossed for a successful conference!

From left to right: Max Baumann (Freie Universität Berlin), Delia Grace (ILRI/Principal Investigator SFFF), Ana Bela C. dos Muchangos (SFFF-Mozambique), Edgar Mahundi (SFFF-Tanzania), Sylvain G. Traoré (SFFF-Côte d’Ivoire), Kohei Makita (ILRI/Rakuno Gakuen University). Not in the photo: Solenne Costard (ILRI/Royal Veterinary College)