Nghiên cứu mới cho thấy khả năng kháng kháng sinh của vi khuẩn Salmonella trong các mẫu thịt lợn tại các cửa hàng bán lẻ và cơ sở giết mổ ở Việt Nam
Choosing the right food outlet to eat better: a communication campaign for Burkina Faso
PPR epidemiology to inform risk-based control in Uganda
ILRI and partners develop benchmarks for undergraduate food safety curriculum for East Africa
ILRI PhD Graduate Fellowship: Assessing wildlife value chain and interspecies transmission risk of zoonotic diseases using a One Health approach in Vietnam(Closing date: 26 May 2022)
Investigating pathogens in wildlife in Kenya to tackle neglected zoonoses
Evaluation of Malawi One Health platforms to help close gaps in One Health implementation in the country
Co-infection project updates partners on progress
The Kenyan dairy and poultry sectors to benefit from a new research initiative