News Archive

Winners of the CapDev Grand Challenge research pitching contest represent the bright future of agri-food research

Genetics breakthrough in disease-resistant native East African cattle breed—The Economist

Building pathogen monitoring networks across Kenya - The Rockefeller Foundation

African pastoralists need support to beat climate change and earn more - The East African

Zimbabwe livestock improvement project showcases ongoing work and partnership with government

Press release: New livestock-based initiative launched for better livelihoods, nutrition and gender inclusion in the Northwest Highlands of Vietnam

Thông cáo báo chí: Khởi động sáng kiến mới dựa vào chăn nuôi giúp cải thiện sinh kế, dinh dưỡng và hòa nhập giới ở vùng cao Tây Bắc

ILRI CapDev Grand Challenge research pitching contest shows potential to grow transformational livestock researchers

New study finds AMR in non-typhoidal Salmonella in samples across pork retail outlets and slaughterhouses in Vietnam