2023Policies and Design Processes to Enable TransformationPereira, LauraVrettos, ChrisCramer, Laura K.Drimie, ScottMuiderman, KarlijnSchapendonk, FransStringer, Lindsay C.Veeger, MariekeVervoort, Joost M.Wamukoya, George
2023Opportunities to quantify resilience of dairy cattle to environmental stressors in Sub-Saharan AfricaOloo, Richard DoosoEkine-Dzivenu, Chinyere C.Ojango, Julie M.K.Gebreyohanes, GebregziabherMrode, Raphael A.Okeyo Mwai, AllyChagunda, Mizeck G.G.
ILRI NewsILRI scientists’ work highlighted in International Summit on the Societal Role of Meat and special volume of Animal Frontiers
Nghiên cứu mới cho thấy khả năng kháng kháng sinh của vi khuẩn Salmonella trong các mẫu thịt lợn tại các cửa hàng bán lẻ và cơ sở giết mổ ở Việt Nam
2024Enhancing disease surveillance through data digitization in meat inspectionKimani, DanielChemutai, AbigaelCook, Elizabeth A.J.
2024Modernising meat inspection using risk-based approachesAlban, L.Albuquerque, E.R.Capobianco-Dondona, A.Kautto, A.H.Klottrup, A.Meemken, D.Oorburg, D.Poulsen, M.K.Grace, DeliaVieira-Pinto, M.Blagojevic, B.
2023Chan-henh Theory of Change reflection workshop: Progress updates on pig and beef cattle value chainsThinh NguyenLe Thi Thanh HuyenMarshall, KarenOtieno, Mary AtienoTran Thi Bich NgocUnger, FredNguyen Quang HuyTruong Thi Tuyet MaiNguyen PhuongDao Thu Hang
2023From farm to table: Exploring food handling and hygiene practices of meat and milk value chain actors in EthiopiaNyokabi, N.S.Phelan, L.Gemechu, G.Berg, S.Lindahl, Johanna F.Mihret, A.Wood, J.L.N.Moore, H.L.