Poultry losses and One Health (POLOH): Reducing losses and zoonotic risks along the Burkina Faso poultry value chain through a One Health approach
The goal of the project is to enhance household food security and safety and improve the livelihoods of smallholder poultry producers in Burkina Faso by reducing economic losses and zoonotic risks along the value chain and developing culturally and economically appropriate, gender-sensitive One Health interventions at farm level.
Poultry disease in Burkina Faso is a major constraint to productivity and can negatively affect human health. Training of poultry producers and sellers on better farm and market practices, and effective business models that enhance value chain linkages can improve the safety and productivity of the poultry sector.
- Assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of smallholder poultry producers and related value chain actors.
- Characterize and assess the distribution of the main poultry-associated zoonotic pathogens (Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp.), and assess the effects of interventions and gendered impacts of farm and market practices on productivity, food safety and animal welfare.
- Develop and test appropriate integrated training packages.
- Identify and test gender-sensitive business models to enhance value chain linkages, including provision of inputs, veterinary services, training and advisory services through public-private partnerships and community vaccinators.
- Build the capacity of next-generation national One Health researchers in poultry health and food safety and improve networking and collaboration among value chain stakeholders.