Market-based approaches to improving the safety of pork in Vietnam (SafePORK)
The SafePORK project seeks to reduce the burden of food-borne disease in informal, emerging and niche markets. The project will develop and evaluate light-touch, market-based approaches to improving food safety, while safeguarding livelihoods in the pork sector.
In Vietnam, pork is the most widely consumed meat and nearly all is sold in traditional wet markets. These markets supply nutritious and delicious food to millions of people. Yet, food hazards are pervasive, food scares common, trust in food low and enforcement capacity weak. Concerns over food safety are high and growing, For example, a nationally representative survey found that food safety was a major concern to the public.
Wet markets are mainly supplied by smallholder farmers, and value chains provide employment to tens of thousands of traders, mostly women. Traditional markets supply pork more affordably and accessibly than the formal sector. Hence, it is important to develop light-touch, low-cost approaches tailored to the capacities of value chain actors and which can be applied on a large scale.
- Generate actionable evidence on the efficacy, feasibility and reach of current approaches to the improvement of pork safety in Vietnam.
- In partnership with the private sector, design, pilot and evaluate light-touch, incentive-based approaches to food safety.
- Agree with stakeholders a roadmap or theory of change through which project evidence can lead to safer food.
- Enhance engagement and benefit sharing for men and women in the pig value chain.
- Build capacity to understand and manage food safety risks and improve risk communication among government partners, private sector actors, academics, donors and journalists.