Namukolo Covic

Namukolo Covic

Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia, CGIAR Ethiopia Country Convenor

Namukolo Covic (Zambia) is ILRI Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia. From 2015 to 2021 she served as Senior Research Coordinator at IFPRI, for the CGIAR Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and worked on projects in several countries, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia. A multidisciplinary academic background that spans crop science and extension (BSC), animal and poultry science (PGD) and nutrition (MSc & PhD) has made her uniquely positioned to addresses dynamics of food systems transformation from different fronts. She is recognized for her ability to link diverse stakeholders on interlinkages of research, policy and program processes. She has worked extensively with the government of Ethiopia and other stakeholders including the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Agriculture, and development agencies on different fronts of food systems and nutrition, including the development of food based dietary guidelines and their adaptation to pastoralist settings in Ethiopia; and the development of Ethiopia’s food systems transformation pathway in response to Ethiopia’s development needs and the United Nations Food Systems Summit process. She has supported African Union efforts on linking agriculture and nutrition in the CAADP process. She leads the Governance Working Group of an Independent Expert Group that emerged from the UNFSS that has developed a Monitoring Framework on Food Systems Transformation to guide progress on the SDG countdown to 2030. 

My Publications

Training to build nutrition capacity in the Nigerian agricultural sector: Initial assessment and future directions

  • Adeyemi, O.
  • Phorbee, O.
  • Samuel, F.
  • Sanusi, R.
  • Afolabi, W.
  • Covic, Namukolo M.
  • Onabolu, A.
  • Ajieroh, V.

Strategies for better integrating nutrient supplementation and dietary diversity approaches for stunting reduction and improved nutrition outcomes: A Rwandan case study

  • Warner, James
  • Marivoet, Wim
  • Covic, Namukolo M.
  • Umugwaneza, M.

Changes in Nigeria’s enabling environment for nutrition from 2008 to 2019 and challenges for reducing malnutrition

  • Adeyemi, O.
  • Bold, M. van den
  • Nisbett, N.
  • Covic, Namukolo M.
ILRI publication cover

CGIAR in Ethiopia, transition and global perspectives: Transforming food, land and water systems in a climate crisis

  • Covic, Namukolo M.
ILRI publication cover

Nutrition leadership for climate change resilient food system and nutrition in Ethiopia

  • Covic, Namukolo M.
ILRI publication cover

Opportunities for Africa to address all forms of malnutrition: How can the UN Nutrition Strategy 2022–2030 contribute?

  • Covic, Namukolo M.