ILRI unveils the Nigeria livestock master plan at the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association Congress and Annual General Meeting
Nigeria's livestock sector is poised to play a major role in shaping the country’s food security in the coming decades, accounting for roughly 10% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) and supporting the livelihoods of nearly 15 million households. The country's population is projected to double to almost 400 million by 2050, and the livestock sector is already a vital source of nutritious food, income and employment. However, the sector is currently underdeveloped and faces several challenges, including low productivity, inadequate infrastructure, disease outbreaks, climate change and insecurity.
Recognising the livestock sector’s importance in the country, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) joined the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) 59th Congress and Annual General Meeting (AGM) from 31 October to 2 November 2023 at the Landmark Events Centre, Lagos. The event provided an excellent platform for ILRI to showcase its vital and ongoing work in the country.
Especially valuable for engaging with stakeholders in the veterinary sector, the AGM also provided an avenue for raising awareness about the Nigeria Livestock Master Plan (N-LMP) for potential collaborations and implementation. Additionally, it served as an opportunity to attract stakeholders interested in utilising the N-LMP to guide future investments.
The LMP is a visionary blueprint that sets the stage for sustainable livestock development in Nigeria. At its core, it aims to elevate the livestock sector’s contribution to the nation’s GDP, improve food security and enhance the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians who depend on livestock.
One of ILRI’s primary objectives in promoting the N-LMP was to educate the veterinary community about the master plan’s strategic vision, goals and potential for sustainable livestock investment. The ILRI booth buzzed with activity and inquiries from the moment the doors of the exhibition hall opened, indicating that the veterinary community in Nigeria were eager to learn about this ambitious and transformative LMP. Visitors included veterinarians, professionals and stakeholders from various regions of Nigeria, notably, Aliyu Sabi Mohammed, the minister of state for agriculture, and Moses Arokoyo, the newly elected NVMA president.
Furthermore, the ILRI team, integral to the implementation of the N-LMP, shared insights and engaged in discussions with visitors about ongoing livestock research and innovation in Nigeria. This included highlighting capacity development opportunities such as pasture establishment and alternative feed resources available to stakeholders. The alignment of the N-LMP's vision for the future of the livestock sector and ILRI's ongoing research work made the booth a dynamic and informative hub.
The NVMA Congress marked an auspicious beginning for N-LMP's public engagement efforts. The positive reception at this event is a precursor to the broader adoption and support the plan seeks to garner across Nigeria's livestock community. From this engagement, follow-up conversations and discussions are underway, setting the stage for future collaborations with both public and private livestock sector partners and the implementation of the N-LMP.
Work on the N-LMP started in July, with the official inauguration in Abuja. Future activities include a livestock production systems and N-LMP baseline data workshop in December.
Read more about LMPs here.